
Find Out If You Already Qualify for These 5 Arizona Car Insurance Discounts 

November 8, 2022
car parked in desert in arizona

Not all insurers are created equal. A few insurers place profits above customer service and simply cram all their customers into a one-size-fits-all plan with no regard for unique circumstances and the resulting customizations that may benefit their clients.  

The byproduct of such a business model is that once people find out they’re paying too much, they leave to find a provider that will help them pay a lower premium. In turn, the new company keeps their business because the customer has a relationship with them that is built on trust. 

Happily, however, most carriers offer discounts. There are other ways to save on car insurance for Arizona drivers, but you may already qualify for these important five. If you suspect you’re not getting the cost savings you’re entitled to, you should place a call to your provider to find out why. 

1. What You Do for a Living Could Result in a Discount 

Your occupation could entitle you to a deduction. For example, active, reserve, and retired members of the U.S. military receive one from most companies. Some other occupations that qualify include education professionals, health workers, police officers, and firefighters. 

Almost every provider offers an occupation-based price decrease to these valiant and hard-working members of our society. You may think that what you do for work doesn’t qualify, but it never hurts to ask. In fact, you might be surprised to find out that your career has set you up for more affordable car insurance for drivers in Arizona. 

2. Students Living Away From Home May Qualify 

Are you a full-time student? You could qualify for different discounts. 

Some universities and colleges have special affiliations with providers that may automatically entitle you to a student discount. Fraternities, sororities, and other educational member organizations may also make you eligible. 

If you’re performing well as a student (generally, a grade average of B or better), you may be able to receive one for good grades. Lastly, if you live at your school and have your car in a garage at home, you could definitely get cheap car insurance for Arizona drivers. Living at school with your vehicle parked at home means you’re not driving much, and your chance of getting into an accident is significantly lower, which should also lower your premium. It only makes sense. 

college student walking with box on campus

3. Have You Enrolled in a Defensive Driving Course in AZ? 

Whether you’re a police officer, student, or unemployed, you can still save and get affordable rates. One way is to enroll in and pass a defensive driving course. 

Most programs are quite inexpensive and even offer online training. You might need to print out a certificate and have it handy in case your provider asks for verification, but that is quite easy to accomplish from any computer and printer combination set up at home. 

The amount you’ll get off for completing a driver’s education program varies from one provider to another. Therefore, it’s a good idea to check with your current company to make sure you still want to take time out of your busy schedule to enroll. 

An argument can be made for taking one of these classes regardless, as they only make you a better driver. Most courses contain valuable lessons about distracted driving, best practices and procedures, child safety, and much more. 

4. Accident-Free Driving Record Can Get You an Arizona Auto Insurance Discount 

A defensive driving course is great, but proving you’re a great driver by not getting into an accident and filing a claim for an extended period of time is even better. Every carrier should reward safe drivers.  

Of course, there are occasions when there is simply nothing you can do about a collision. However, there are ways to minimize your risk.  

  1. Keep your speed under the posted or assumed limit.  
  1. Take advantage of the safety features installed in many modern vehicles. Pay specific attention to the blind spot detection lights and warning alarms. If your automobile is not equipped with these features, a quick glance over your shoulder to confirm what your mirrors can’t see is always a good idea.  
  1. Never drink and drive.  

Adhere to those three safe driving tips, and you may just stay accident-free for a long time. 

5. Save with Multiple Policies with the Same Insurer 

It’s a good idea to review your other coverage as well. Chances are you have a homeowner’s policy (or renters), life insurance, and perhaps a luxury item you want to protect. A great way to achieve substantial savings is to package all your coverage needs with the same company. 

Receiving a price deduction for having multiple policies with the same company is a win-win situation. You obviously win by getting the lowered price. But there’s another way this strategy makes your life easier; it’s one-stop-shopping. Whenever you have a question, a change to make, or a claim to file, you’re calling the same company. With the right provider at your beck and call, you’ll develop a trusted relationship and achieve peace of mind knowing that you’ll be expertly cared for with every interaction. 

On the other hand, the company wins by not only getting your business in one area but in several. Not all companies provide policies for everything you need. So, if you have a boat, a motorcycle, or require coverage for a vacation to Mexico, you might need to shop around to find a company that can provide all these policies for you. 

Get Affordable Auto Insurance Today in Arizona 

To ensure you’re getting the price you’re entitled to, contact Oasis at 800-330-5190 or get a quote online today. Of course, if you prefer the in-person interaction, you can also stop by one of our convenient locations. However you choose to contact us, one of our friendly and courteous representatives will be happy to get you on the road to savings today.  

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